LeaP With Joy

I have almost always done tech that brings me joy

My story so far...


I have 15 years of video production experience. Not only have I written, edited and directed shoots for clients in Seattle, San Francisco, New York and Vermont, I've worked professionally on sets as a sound engineer, gaffer and camera person. 

VIMEO - KenWhite

Favorite Video

StaffMeUp Profile


Besides colaborating with people on graphics in programs like Photoshop, InDesign, Canva and Sketch, I also code HTML/CSS. 

BUT, who codes from scratch any more! 

Skilled in:


It's a world of big data, and I enjoy helping companies and organizations prepare for their future. I do this by leveraging my years of experience as a computer geek, bringing the 10,000 foot view down to earth. I have designed trainings, documentation and helped users on a variety of systems. 

Familiar with:

Mac (OS X)
Microsoft (360/servers)
Google For Biz (admin)
Google for Education
Linux (RedHat / Debian)
Android OS



I have been writing poetry all my life


I enjoy cooking, and have just started to hate baking. This last mother's day, I made steak and potatoes for the family, and got a number of compliments comparing me to favorite steak houses!


I sing and play the guitar and write songs and dabble with piano and...


PLACES I HAVE LIVED (6 months or more)




In 2019 I became a father to Declan Robert Williams

He's almost as amazing as my wife, Laura.

Those are, in fact, my glasses.